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Uptown condo in Dallas was hit by a stray bullet, which caused the woman to become frightened

A woman from Dallas has expressed her gratitude that she was not struck by a gunshot that was fired into her apartment in the Uptown neighborhood early on Saturday morning.

“As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t notice it because this is the location that is located in my dining room. It is located up there. It wasn’t until the drywall and other construction materials were scattered across the floor that I became aware of it,” said Vanessa Sierra.

A bullet missed its target and fell to the ground after passing through one of the walls that surrounded her flat.

“I had been awake. I recall looking out the window, and the time was exactly 2:08. When she recalled it, she said that it sounded like glass breaking.

The apartment complex she resides in is located along Central Expressway, just to the south of Fitzhugh Avenue.

There is a view of the highway from her balcony.

“I got scared, but I didn’t think anything of it.” As Sierra put it. “I thought it was my window being broken, and so I didn’t know what to do because I live by myself and for like 10 minutes I just stood still very quiet.”

In the beginning, Sierra did not notice any damage or the bullet that was hitting her floor, so she went back to sleep.

It was until I woke up in the morning that I realized it was something resembling a blast from a rifle. Due to the fact that I observed that there was a great deal of white material scattered around the floor,” she recalled. “I saw the bullet on the ground, I looked up and there was a big hole in the wall.”

Sierra claims that she called the Dallas police department, but no officer has been to take a report from her.

In order to document the damage, Sierra recorded a video and uploaded it on TikTok. Just under 170,000 people have watched the video.

“You just never know where it could be at, where it’s going to hit you, and I was really thinking if it does that to the wall, in infrastructure that’s a building, I just can’t imagine what it would do to a body,” according to her.

According to Sierra, she is now concerned.

“If this were to actually become something serious, where it did hit a person to the point where they died, and you know, they were doing it for fun, they were doing it just fooling around, then it would turn into something that is very serious. Something like that is something you want to steer clear of,” she said. “Now I’m paranoid to be, like, sleeping because at night, you just never know.”

The complex that Sierra lives in informed her that they are unable to repair the damage until a police report is filed.

The Dallas Police Department reports that they have received 57 random gunfire calls and 641 holiday signal random gunfire calls. These are calls in which the caller did not see the incident and did not wish to make interaction with law enforcement personnel for any reason.