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Very Lonely Guy Walks In With ‘Creepy’ Request, Leaves Diners In Shock Hours Later

Restaurants often will accommodate substitutions, but no one was prepared when a man walked into a Denny’s resultant in Utah asking for a waitress that was a single mother.

What kind of request was this anyway? The hostess sat him in Crystal’s section even though she thought his request was kind of creepy. For two hours the man sat at his table and just watched people.

Several families and come and gone and the still the man sat there. None of the restaurant staff could figure out what he was doing. None of the other patrons even bothered to make eye contact with this stranger.

Finally, one Denny’s employee sat down with the man and talked to him. Turns out that the man had paid the tab for seven different families! His bill was over $1,000, and the waitress wanted to know why he had done such a kind thing. The man replied that after he had lost his family, he realized that family is everything.

The waitress could see the pain in his eyes. The man left that day having paid for families to enjoy a meal, on top of that, he left Crystal a tip for $1,500! Crystal and her son used the money to move into a safe place! Crystal shared this amazing story and thanked the man for what he had done.

I can’t imagine the pain that man felt. We can only hope that he felt better after having helped out a few families at that Denny’s. Share away, people.