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What Do Studies on the Atkins Diet Say?

The Atkins diet is one of the most popular diet trends in the world right now. Since Dr. Robert Atkins first introduced it in 1972, it has gained enduring popularity. Millions of people today use the Atkins diet plan, and the fact that Dr. Atkins’ book has been a success for ten years should not be overlooked.

What essentially makes the Atkins diet so well-liked that it stays on the bestseller list for years is the issue. What is lacking in the diet that would actually make it worthwhile to try? What exactly are their promises, and are there any Atkins diet studies to back them up?

Many Atkins diet plan studies have backed up the fundamental assumptions and theories behind the diet. Two studies out of the many that support the effectiveness of the Atkins diet plan stood out as being significant. The New England Journal of Medicine and Records of Internal Medicine, two reputable medical journals, have really published these Atkins diet plan studies. According to some diet experts, the outcomes of these Atkins diet studies are so unexpected that the diet plan has really been thought to be useful for getting rid of the causes of a cardiac condition.

Aside from that the Atkins diet plan researches released in those two medical journals have actually revealed that the Atkins diet strategy works to decrease the serum triglyceride levels in the body as compared to the low-fat group. In addition, it reveals a boost in the HDL (great) cholesterol level than the low-fat group. From these findings, numerous experts have actually concluded that the Atkins diet will certainly work for weight-loss.

There are few Atkins diet looks into that reveal a sort of withdrawal in the usage of the diet plan. According to these Atkins diet plan researches, about 40% of the Atkins diet participants dropped out of the research study prior to its conclusion primarily for the factor that they can’t adhere longer to the diet plan.