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Woman batters 12-year-old son to death for going to sleepover, dumps body in cellar and pours cement over it

A Russian mother allegedly murdered her son and sealed his body in concrete as punishment. Galina Morozova allegedly killed her son Aleksandr Parakhnyakov because he snuck off to a sleepover.

The 56-year-old woman initially reported Parakhnyakov missing after the alleged killing. She even posted appeals for his whereabouts on social media for three months.

Local police and volunteers searched the streets and outskirts of the city of Astrakhan, southwestern Russia for the 12-year-old victim. But they could not find anything, The Sun reported.

However, on June 19, police received a tip-off and they raided Morozova’s home, where they made the shocking discovery. The officers found the child’s body sealed in concrete in the cellar. Following this, the mother-of-four reportedly confessed to killing her son, and showed where she had hidden Parakhnyakov’s smartphone and the dumbbell which she had used to murder him, police said.

A statement of the Investigative Committee read, “The boy left home on March 4 and returned the next day in the morning. He was confronted by his mother and they started arguing. During the quarrel, the woman grabbed a dumbbell and hit the boy on the head several times. He died from his injuries on the spot. The mother hid his body in the basement and covered it with cement. Then she put the boy’s smartphone and the dumbbell into a plastic bag and threw it into the river.”

Morozova told officers that she banned her son from sleepovers and killed him because of being angry with him for not obeying her. The mother has now been arrested.

Meanwhile, neighbors of the family have described Morozova “as a perfect mother” and a “successful businesswoman”. It has been said that she is an expert in banking and audit and was a member of different state committees of the region. The accused also tried to become a powerful politician but was debarred from the Fair Russia party “for having excessive ambitions”. Her son Parakhnyakov was a local taekwondo champion and knew how to play the piano.

In another shocking incident from Russia, a mother forced her daughter to survive on cat food while keeping her isolated from the outside world for 26 years. Tatyana had caged her daughter Nadezhda Bushueva for more than two decades to “protect her from the dangers of the outside world”. “My life is worse than a cat’s life. Cats have more rights. I don’t even exist anymore. I’m the living dead. I need a workplace, I need a passport,” Nadezhda said.

Local media reports claimed that Nadezhda, who is now 42-year-old, has no idea how the outside world works due to her confined life for several years. She was house arrested by her mother soon after she finished school. Tatyana did not even allow her to work or to continue her studies, local council leader Vasily Tovarnov said. The mother-daughter duo had lived in the hovel-like cabin, which had no electricity or running water. The pair shared the house with a bunch of cats and rats. The victim, who reportedly had not taken a bath since 2006, also claimed that when the cats and rats died, they did not clear out the decomposing bodies.