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Woman Stunned By Note From Boy Days After He Noticed What She Dropped

While enjoying a nice motorcycle event in California, Taylor Sloan wasn’t aware that she dropped something in the stands, but then a stranger discovered it later. The stranger hand her item his possession for a few days until he decided to write her an interesting note to explain why he was returning this to her, sending it to her mother’s home, who called her daughter quickly.

Here is the story. On January 30, Taylor Sloan went to a motocross event in Oakland, which wasn’t too far from her home in Santa Clara. After the event, she departed but had no idea that she dropped her wallet which had her valuable items inside. She figured that she would never see these items again. She began to worry once realizing that her wallet was lost, and her address on her ID could be in anyone’s hands by that point. What she didn’t know was that Nasim Lawrence was the one who got it, and he had something he needed to tell her.

Lawrence, 10, had attended the same event as Sloan that night, and he was walking out when he spotted the pink and brown wallet on the ground. A quick look inside turned up $40 in cash and her driver’s license, but when he saw her picture on it, he recognized something about her and knew what he needed to do. He wrote her a note that would soon take Sloan by complete surprise, after sending it to her mom’s house, which was her old address on the ID, according to Inside Edition.

The thoughtful 10-year-old politely addressed her as “Ms. Sloan,” before explaining he had found her wallet and knows what it’s like to lose something. He told her that he wanted to see to it that she got her wallet back and that he hopes that his kind deed “made you smile.” He also expressed his relief that he was who found it, “instead of some bad person who would steal.” Lawrence explained that it was not just the honest thing to do, but that he could tell from her photo that she looks “like a very nice person who does nice things for people,” so he wanted to do something nice for her.

Sloan’s mother called her right away when the package arrived to her home, to let her know about the unusual return and the very sweet letter the boy thought to write with it. Beyond impressed with his honesty and huge heart that’s hard to find these days, the grateful woman posted about it on Facebook, which eventually got the attention of Lawrence’s mother, who had a few words about her son.
“Thank you for the kind words about my son. He truly is a loving kid,” she commented on the viral post, before explaining her formula for raising such a great kid. “His father and I try to instill integrity and honesty in all of our children. It feels good to know his natural response was to return what was lost,” she added.

It’s this kind of parenting that creates responsible and thoughtful children that go on to be great adults. Sloan would have never known who found her wallet and was $40 richer for it. Instead of keeping it and buying something for himself, he went above and beyond to return it and complimented her in the process. This kid was raised right on “old school” values, having been taught by parents who take their job as mom and dad seriously.