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Entitled Mom Doesn’t Think She Should Pay Back Money, Until Judge Judy Steps In And This Happens…

Judge Judy gains many ratings and viewers for a good reason. She may be a bit harsh at times but her blunt honesty, stern expressions and high confidence makes you want to watch her over and over! Some viewers lover her for being real and others just do not appreciate the way she does things.

Judge judy can be seen on video shutting criminals down and putting them in their place, but this clip below has to be one of the best clips from her show you could ever see.

In this particualr case, a defendant named Erika Gebhardt doesn’t think she has to pay $2000 back to the person who let her borrow it. Gebhardt argues that the money she was given was a gift and she isn’t responsible for paying it back.

She also argues that she had told the plaintiff that she couldn’t pay the money back anyway. The plaintiff, on the other hand, feels like she needs to be paid back and claims that the money was lent, not given.

When Judge Judy asks Gebhardt how many children she has, Gebhardt responds with… “Five. My twins are 8, I have a 6-year-old, a 4-year-old, and a 9-month-old.”

“Five. My twins are 8, I have a 6-year-old, a 4-year-old, and a 9-month-old.”
Then, she asks her if she works and Gebhardt says…
“I have five children. They are my work.”

Judge Judy goes on to point out the fact that the plaintiff has two children and works and manages to take care of her children.
Gebhardt starts going off on a tangent about how the plaintiff and her husband are “rolling in the dough,” and they have two BMW’s, childcare, and a weekly cleaner.

Judge Judy’s quit wit comes right back at Gebhardt as she says…
“You can have as many children as you like, as long as you’re able to take care of them. But, when you have to rely on other people to take care of your children, then it becomes more of a problem. She chose to have two children, work and drive a BMW and you chose to have five children. What business is it of yours?”

And then, in a fabulous finale, Gebhardt lays it all out there…
“It isn’t my business but she had the money to give me…she LOANED me the money.”
And the show is wrapped up right then in there as Judge Judy makes the call for Gebhardt to pay the plaintiff back.
Commenters had a field day with this one…

“A big problem in America is that women like this are praised and called “heroes”. We need to start calling them what they really are, irresponsible whores.”

“‘I have five kids. That’s my job.’” translation: tax payers owe me for giving birth to 5 more kids that I will raise to suck off the tax payers also.”

“This woman is what’s wrong with this country. She wants what the other couple WORKS for, apparently it’s unfair for others to have more because they work more and have fewer kids…boo hooo.”
And of course, the comments got political…
“Prime example of a Democrat…. Don’t earn it, take it from those who did.”