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Husband angry at having third child slit pregnant wife’s throat during sex

A jealous husband confessed to using a razor blade to slash his pregnant wife’s throat while they were having sex, police say

Authorities say Marcelo Araújo, 21, admitted under questioning he killed 22-year-old Francine dos Santos, after they rowed about her becoming pregnant for the third time.

The couple already had two children, a daughter aged four and a two-year-old son.

He reportedly said he didn’t want any more children, resented sharing his wife with them and hated the financial burden it placed on him as a young dad.

The suspect was found seriously injured after the crime, with cuts to his neck and wrists, in the family home in Várzea Paulista, a municipality in the State of São Paulo.

Police said he had apparently tried to take his own life.

Investigators told online media G1 that the admission came following more than six weeks of interrogation during which the accused gave several versions of what happened.