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Loyal Dog Ensures Lost Boy with Down Syndrome Stays Safe and Protected

No friend is as loyal and devoted as an adorable pup – a perfect companion for any occasion.

Jose Muñoz from Houston, Texas is only 5 years old but has learned the importance of loyalty through his dog Alejandro. Jasmine Martinez, Jose’s mother shares how one afternoon when they decided to take a nap, upon waking up and discovering that her son was missing; it was Alejandro who remained at the spot loyally waiting for Jose’s return.

The family’s one-year-old German shepherd had also disappeared and they immediately knew that the pup must have been with Jose, who has Down Syndrome.


When Samantha Muñoz, Jose’s sister, was asked about her brother’s pup Alejandro she stated: “Since we got him as a puppy he has always been very protective – it took us around 20 to 30 minutes of searching our home before the family decided that they had to call the police and report Jose missing.”

Sgt. Ricardo Salas of the Houston Police Department dispatched officers to locate Jose, and as they canvassed for him, extended their search to account for any possibility that he had ventured further than expected – after all, a 5-year-old can be quite resourceful! Little did they know how right they were.


Scanning the map, Sgt. Salas exclaimed in disbelief: “It’s way too far for this kid to walk over here!”

At approximately a half-mile distance from his residence, Jose was located ambling along the railroad tracks with his trusty four-legged companion faithfully accompanying him.

According to Sgt. Salas, the canine companion instinctively understood that it had done something wrong and needed to accompany its human for accountability.

As the officers administered to Jose, Alejandro waited patiently with an expression of devotedness. Miraculously, the child was unscathed except for a few minor abrasions and contusions. All of them noticed how concerned he was about his companion’s well-being.


Sgt. Salas recounted a heartwarming story, saying, “I placed the child in my vehicle to cool down in the air conditioning, and when I looked back moments later, his loyal pup had jumped right into the car too.”

Home at last, Jose’s family rejoiced in his safe return. To ensure this never happens again, Jasmine is instating child safety locks on their doors—and of course, lots of treats and belly rubs for Alejandro! He was an excellent protector during the whole ordeal.

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