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MEGHAN MARKLE IN PANIC! Puppet Harry Accidentally Spills Truth About Their Fake Kids!

Hold onto your hats, folks, because we’re about to unravel a royal mystery that’s juicier than a summer peach.

Ben the Critic is back, and today we’re diving into the latest episode of “Real Housewives of Windsor: Ghost Kids Edition.” Our spotlight-loving duchess, Meghan Markle, has graced us with yet another television interview, and it seems she’s ready to spill some tea hotter than a pot left on the stove.

But here’s the twist: has she been playing a game of hide and seek with her children, Archie and Lilibet, or are they just figments of her imagination?

In this recent interview, Meghan’s body language raised quite a few eyebrows.

She was touching her face with nervous energy, reminiscent of a teenager battling acne.

Experts say that such gestures can signal dishonesty.

But wait, there’s more!

When questioned about her children, her eyes darted around as if she was watching an intense tennis match—definitely not the behavior of a proud mother discussing her kids.

It’s almost as if she was breaking eye contact faster than Prince Harry breaks royal traditions.

And then came the pièce de résistance: Meghan’s performance was nothing short of Oscar-worthy.

But let’s be honest—the only “amazing” thing here is how she has managed to keep this charade alive for so long.

Her repetition during the interview felt like a broken record stuck on the same track.

Yet amidst her elaborate storytelling, Harry seemed to let slip some revealing information, unintentionally pulling back the curtain on this royal facade.

The look on Meghan’s face when Harry made his blunder was priceless.

If looks could kill, he’d be joining the ancestors in record time.

One can only imagine the heat radiating from his receding hairline under that glare.

Now, I’m not outright claiming these kids don’t exist, but let’s just say I’ve seen more credible evidence for the Loch Ness Monster at this point.

But this saga isn’t merely about absent children; it’s about the biggest royal ruse since King Henry VIII decided he needed six wives.

Think about it: two supposed royal offspring who are spotted less frequently than the Queen in a swimsuit, parents who discuss their kids as if reading from a script, and Meghan’s acting skills that haven’t evolved since her days on “Suits.” The royal family appears as comfortable discussing these children as they would be discussing Prince Andrew’s weekend plans—a tangled web of deception indeed.

So, why does Meghan persist in this elaborate act?

Is it for the attention, the sympathy to boost her Netflix deal, or has she simply dug herself into such a deep hole that daylight seems a distant dream?

Here’s a radical idea: what if she just told the truth?

Sure, it would cause a media frenzy, and the tabloids would have a field day, but wouldn’t it feel liberating?

Imagine the relief of unbuttoning a tightly laced corset after a long day.

Let’s not forget about Harry in all of this.

Poor guy seems like a puppet on a string, wondering if he’ll be banished to the royal doghouse after this slip-up.

Meghan has him on a tighter leash than the Queen’s beloved corgis.

This scandal is akin to a ticking time bomb, and when it explodes, it will dominate headlines and social media feeds, creating memes that will overshadow even the most infamous viral moments.

I’m all in for this drama, folks.

It’s organic, grade-A entertainment.

So, Meghan and Harry, if you’re tuning in—and let’s be real, they probably are—here’s some unsolicited advice: the jig is up.

The cat’s out of the bag, and it’s time to face the music.

That music is playing “God Save the Queen” on repeat, reminding them that honesty is the best policy.

It’s high time for them to come clean about these ghostly children or the lack thereof.

They could even throw in some tales about Area 51 while they’re at it.

After all, this lie has ballooned to a size that rivals the Queen’s extensive hat collection.

It’s time to pop this royal bubble before it bursts spectacularly.

So here we sit, on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next plot twist.

Will Meghan finally reveal the truth?

Will Harry muster the courage to stand up for himself?

Are Archie and Lilibet merely advanced holograms?

Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: this royal drama is just heating up.

So grab your tea and settle in for the next thrilling episode of “Keeping Up With The Windsors: Ghost Kids Edition.” This show is about to get real—if not unreal.