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People Are Tossing Slices Of Cheese At Babies In A New Social Media Craze Thats Going Viral

Busy, hard-working parents everywhere will relate to this story and accompanying video. Rebecca Patterson is a mother from Pearland, Texas.

She has a 2-year-old and 2-month-old. Having young children under the age of five can be a stressful time. Parents have so much to do, their schedules can’t be dictated by their children’s behavior.

Rebeca decided to take her little ones with her to target. She didn’t have many items she needed to pick up; she thought they’d be fine. Little did the frazzled mother know this trip to the superstore would be one of chaos and stress.

She didn’t dally. She went down the aisles with purpose, snatching up what she needed. Then, out of nowhere, both her children had simultaneous meltdowns.

Any parent with little ones can relate. Rebecca had no one there to help calm her kids. She imagined fellow shoppers looking none too kindly at the mother with the crying kids. She felt judged and thoroughly embarrassed.

She went into panic mode. Nothing seemed to calm her screaming, crying children. Rebecca figured this shopping trip was a total bust. She started returning items to the shelves. As she and her noisy children were leaving the store, she heard an unfamiliar voice.

“Do you need some help?”

The kind inquiry came from another shopper. In the moments that followed the exhausted mother witnessed something so selfless and thoughtful, she had to capture it. She pulled out her phone and snapped a photo. The pic has gone viral because it’s been shared thousands of times.

The stranger’s gesture has left such an impact on Rebecca; she refers to her savior as an “angel.”
Watch the video to see why…