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Restaurant is suing customer who left $3,000 tip, just wait until you see why!

Per reports, the famous restaurant is reportedly suing a customer who left a $3,000 tip on a $13 bill only to claim the money back only weeks later.

The restaurant worker, Mariana, was shocked when she received the $3,000 tip on a $13 meal that cost only $13.

Speaking about her appreciation for the gratuity payment, she told local media at that time: “It really meant a lot to me because everyone’s going through stuff. It really touched my heart. I still can’t believe it. I’m still in shock.”

The customer, Eric, told Mariana that he had left the tip after an online movement named ‘Tips for Jesus.’ Unfortunately, just weeks later, a legal battle has now ensued after the customer changed his mind only weeks later. Problems started when the restaurant received a letter in the post confirming the diner had disputed the payment to claim the funds back even though the restaurant have already processed the payment and Mariana had already received the money.

This meant that the restaurant had to pay $3,000 back. The cafe is now taking Mr. Smith to court to recoup the costs. The restaurant’s manager, Zachary Jacobson, said: “We thought somebody was actually trying to do a good thing. And then now we are, what, three months later? Not even, and there’s nothing. There’s nothing to show for it at this point.” He also said that the restaurant has filed charges at the court as they were “just out of this money at this point,” adding that they would probably sue him after Mr. Smith himself suggested they try to do so.

One person commented: “I hope the restaurant wins. There was no mistake on the bill, the customer had clearly written 4 numbers before the decimal point, so that was a four figure, three thousand pounds plus amount of money.” Another wrote: “Customers fault, probably rescinded it when the wife found out and went ballistic! Gonna end up paying it and legal fees!”